3.0 Are the Songs/Lyrics posted in RMIM Archived?

Yes, the lyrics posted on RMIM are collected and archived. They are available in different forms. The most popular format is the ITRANS format. Postscript printer-ready versions of these lyrics are available too.

3.1. Where are these lyrics archived?

For a detailed description of this see question 8.

3.2. I need the lyrics of a song; should I directly post on the net?

There have been a lot of posting of lyrics on RMIM and they have been collected and stored. It is better to check with the existing archives before posting on the net. See question 8.0 on where and how to access these existing information. If the songs are not available there, then go ahead and post your request, some kind and knowledgeable soul will help you.

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Maintained by Satish Subramanian