RMIMeet East Coast 1999 : New Jersey
Subject: Invitation : RMIMeet East Coast 1999 : New Jersey
Chetan Vinchhi ([email protected])
(Posting Date: 1999/06/22)
namashkaar bhaa_ii_o.n aur bahano.n,
This is an open invitiation to a weekend of Indian-music-buff
activity (or inactivity if you please!), an evening of informal
tete-e-tete with like-minded (heh heh) individuals, a day of
hobnobbing with the gurus and the chelaas of RMIM, a chance to
convert 'them' to your way of thought, a trip down musical
memory lanes, roads and superhighways!
To those who are not familiar with RMIMeets, if you like to
listen to and/or talk about Indian music, you don't want to
miss it! Basically, a real-world extension of RMIM, you get
to meet in flesh-and-blood the people whose posts you have
read, responded to, loved or hated. And the meet is not just
for the 'regulars' on RMIM. You will meet many of the silent
majority, who are avid readers, but post rarely, if ever.
The activities may include (but are not limited to) Indian
music-related discussions, quizzes, singing, presentations
and, most importantly, informal chats.
To get a flavour of past RMIMeets, Mehfils and Samaarohs,
RMIMeet East Coast 1999
Marlboro, New Jersey (*)
Informal get-together
Fri July 16, 1999, 6:00 pm
The Meet
Sat July 17, 1999, 10:00 am
(*) Detailed driving directions will be given in the
meet webpage and by e-mail.
So, get cracking. Make your travel plans and let me know ASAP!
An offer to host an event or an activity (such as a presentation or a
quiz of your choice) will be greatly appreciated.
Send me an email ( [email protected] )
or simply call ( 732.625.0964 )