teraa ek Kayaal ai saahib-e-kamaal
%(one thought about you, o the lord of wonders)
hai husn-e-jahaa.N se bhii hasiin-o-bemisaal
%(is more beautiful and is of no example, compared to the beauty of the world)
teraa hii to hai aks chaar suu
%(just your image is there in all four directions)
teraa hii to ra.ng hai ai saahib-e-jamaal
%(just your color is there, o the lord of beauty)
terii hii ta.Dap hai mujhe
%(i am just craving for you)
chain hii kahaa.N hai mujhe
%(where is comfort to me)
aa.Nkho.n kii pyaas hai is dil kii aas hai
%(the thirst of the eyes, the hope of the this heart)
in kii talaash hai ##only you##
%(there searching is only you)
naa chaahataa huu.N mai.n ye jahaa.N
%(i don't desire of this world)
naa chaahataa huu.N mai.n jannat vahaa.N
%(i don't desire of heavens there)
haa.N chaahataa huu.N mai.n ##only you##
%(yes i desire of only you)
mere vajuud kii tuu hii vajah
%(just you are the reason of my existance)
mere sujuud kii bhii tuu hii vajah
%(just you are the reason of my salutation also)
kahataa hai jab tuu mai.n huu.N teraa
%(when you say that i am yours)
paradaa hai phir kyuu.N darmiyaa.N
%(why is there curtain in between)
jis ke diidaar ko tarasuu.N vo hai ##only you##
%(i am craving for a sight of whoever, he is only you)
##only you only you only you##