#249 Song: Din Hai Suhana Aaj Pehali Taarikh Hai Khush Hai Zamaana Aaj Pehali Taarikh Hai Film: Pehali Tarikh (1955) Music: Sudhir Phadke Lyrics: Rajendrakrishna? Singer: Kishor Kumar *ing: Kishor Kumar, Ashok Kumar?, ? This is a good choice for today, as today is 1st September. In immortalising this number, more than Kishor Kumar or Sudhir Phadke or Rajendrakrishna, Radio Ceylone has played far bigger role! As some of you know, this song is aired even today at 7:30 am on first day of every month. Kishor Kumar, sung this song in his typical style. No, not yodelling; but the kind of energy and joy he usually fills in. For Sudhir Phadke, this must be a unique composition, in that it's quite different from his style and reminds me of C Ramchandra.
Author: Snehal B. Oza