a aa a aa aa a aa ##rhythm of life##
chuunaa bhaTTii jhopa.D paTTii raga.Dam paTTii paTTii ##rap##
paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap##
aaj kyaa hai kal kyaa hai din to hai.n vahii
%(what is today, what is tomorrow, it is the same day)
subah kyaa hai shaam kyaa hai farq nahii.n ko_ii
%(what is a morning, what is an evening, there is no difference)
bhuul jaaye.n Gam saare bhuul jaaye.n Gam
%(let us forget all our sorrows)
Gussaa aaye to tho.Daa rok le.n sanam
%(if we feel angry, we should hold it just for some time)
are ##get up and dance## yahii teraa ##chance##
%(o man, get up and dance, this is your chance)
tere hii haatho.n me.n sab kuchh hai re
%(everything is just in your own hands)
Dhapalii bajaa_o pahalaa kaun pahalaa kaun pahalaa pahalaa pahalaa
%(beat the drum, who is first, who if first, first, first, first)
paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap##
Tharraa bhaTTii jhaga.Daa koThii juutaa paTTii Tullaa paTTii
Tharraa bhaTTii jhaga.Daa koThii paTTii ##rap## juutaa paTTii Tullaa paTTii
hai paisaa kyaa hai maal kyaa hai apanii to ik ##life##
%(what is money, what is wealth, in all the status i have same life)
bas mere svaamii mujhe do ik ##wife##
%(o my owner, please give me a wife)
khulaa rakhe.nge dil ko khullaa rakhe.nge
%(we will keep our heart open)
kaun aayegii usakaa rastaa dekhe.nge
%(who is to come we shall watch for her arrival)
are tere liye jaan diyaa terii hai vo
%(oh men, she has given life for you, she is yours)
milataa hai jitanaa bhii le-le utanaa
%(whatever you are getting, you should take just that)
chalataa hai chalataa hai jo bhii subah tak subah tak
%(what ever works, till morning)
dhakaa dhakaa dhakaa dhak
paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## -2
bachche yahaa.N karate ra.ng-roshan
%(children are engaged here in whitewashing and painting)
duudh pii ke bachchaa bachchii ##school## se siidhe shakkar chaaval rab rash
%(after drinking milk, the boy and the girl, directly go from school to buy sugar and rice)
##palmolive## miTTiitel ge.Nhuu.N ko
%(palmolive oil, karosene oil, wheat)
puure nahii.n puure nahii.n paise kabhii puure nahii.n
%(it is not enough, money is never sufficient)
ek aanaa do aanaa gullak ko to.D ke
%(one aana %(6 paisa), two aana, breaking the piggybank)
chaar aanaa aaTh aanaa karzaa-varzaa jo.D ke
%(four aana, eight aana, considering the debts)
ek aanaa do aanaa gullak ko to.D ke
chaar aanaa aaTh aanaa karzaa-varzaa jo.D ke
haa.nDaa-vaa.nDaa giravii me.n Daal ke
%(having pawned all the household utensils)
paa.Nch das bhiikh le ke paise nahii.n puure pa.Date
%(having got five or ten paise in alms, money does not suffice)
tum ho GYaanii tum ho GYaanii he mirzaapur ke tum ho GYaanii
%(you are the wise one, hey, you are the wise man of mirzapur)
chuunaa bhaTTii jhopa.D paTTii raga.Dam paTTii paTTii ##rap## -2
Tharraa bhaTTii jhaga.Daa koThii juutaa paTTii Tullaa paTTii -2
desii daaruu suukhii machchhii Tuka.Daa biidii keka.Daa jhopa.Dii
%(country liquor, dry fish, piece of a bidi, a hut)
kacharaa petii baajuu me.n chaay Thelaa ##rickshaw##
%(in the neighbourhood is the garbage container, the tea padler, and rickshaw)
pata.ng dhaar vaalaa maa.Njhaa
%(kite, and sharp thread with which a kite is flown)
gilli-DanDaa golii-guchchii buddhuu gaanaa gaale aajaa
%(a play of gilli-danda, a play of marbles, you moron, come here to sing a song)
haathii gho.Daa paalakii jai kanhaiyaa laal kii
%(a palanquin carried by elephant and horse, may lord krishna be revered)
kalluu chaachaa munnii mausii gaurii gajaana.nd
%(kallu uncle, munni aunty, gauri, gajanand)
dharamendar jiitendar amitaabh aamir Kan
%(names of hindi films' heroes)
din-vin raat-vaat ##all shows houseful##
%(day and night, all shows are houseful)
paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## paTTii ##rap## -2
##stop it##
vaa vaa