saagar se milane ke liye jo pyaasii nadiyaa chalii
%(when a thirsty river moves on to meet the ocean)
priitam se milane ke liye vaise hii priyaa chalii
%(in the similar manner, the beloved girl has also gone to meet the lover)
manama.ndir ke is aa.Ngan me.n jiivan kii jyot jalii
%(in the quadrangle of the temple of mind, the flame of life has been lit)
ulfat kii roshan galiyo.n me.n ek cha.ndraprabhaa nikalii
%(a moonbeam has come out in the bright pathways of trust)
do nazaro.n me.n do adharo.n me.n hai chaahat kii aganii
%(in the two eyes, in the two lips, there is fire of love)
manama.ndir ke is aa.Ngan me.n jiivan kii jyot jalii